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What Did You Enjoy Most

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Teapots1 | 16:42 Mon 27th Dec 2021 | Food & Drink
78 Answers
What food did you enjoy eating most this Christmas. ( not drink) I bought a small joint of brisket. I popped it in a thick freezer bag first and boiled it for an hour, then into a hot oven and roasted it over. Yummy!


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oo Hoppy !! I JUST KNEW IT !! tooooo ..yummy yummy yum yum !
The food wasn’t great for me this year. I was at my son and daughter-in-law’s house with their new baby. We had a fairly grim chicken/vegan thingy with frozen roast potatoes. The sprouts was the best bit.

I got home to lots of cheeses which I’m looking forward to doing something with.
oh dear Clover..a Vegan Christmas does not hold much appeal for me either..enjoy your fromages need some posh for cheese a bit of a lake ? lol xx
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That’s great ozzy. Nothing lovelier than having all your family round and then the little ‘phew’ when they leave

Of course you feel a bit empty now, but you’ve got those lovely memories
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The Christmas cake that my sister makes - got one sitting here ready to be eaten too - along with the Christmas pud, also home-made. Her trick is to syringe in alcohol on a regular basis to both mixes from when she has made them, usually starting May or June - this year's booze to be needled being Armagnac. "Honestttlee, offishur, I only wash eatin the Chrish pudd thing"
Can I just add that if I spent Christmas on my own, I would be happy with cheese and more cheese. Since childhood mature cheddar cheese has been my favourite food. OH isn't a cheese fan, sadly.

I have enjoyed this lovely thread. Thanks Teapot.
Crispy duck breast.
>>> Can I just add that if I spent Christmas on my own, I would be happy with cheese and more cheese.

I can largely echo that, Lottie. Unfortunately I left my cheese shopping until too late, finding that all of the outlets around here that sell really good cheeses (such as our local farm shop) had closed before I got there on Christmas Eve. So, although I had some standard supermarket cheeses in the fridge, I found myself missing decent cheese over Christmas.

Like you, I appreciate a decent cheddar (such as Keen's or Black Bomber) but I also enjoy a subtle blue cheese, such as the excellent Suffolk Blue.
if its not too late, i had a croque madame today, and its my new fave
None of it. I’m not a foodie
and eat very little: I just feed others. They liked it all.
I enjoyed tikka samosas last night.
Half-way through my Chocolate Advent Calendar I became impatient so Christmas came all at once 12 days early ;-)
Premature advent - not uncommon.
Boxing day we had turkey and home-made chips, by my stepdad. I think he is the reason my sister and I don't like other chips... spoilt :-)
One of my Grandsons when he was little refused to eat my homemade chips- saying he didn't want those made from potatoes but those that came in a bag from a shop :-)
Love that, Mamya. Sometimes those chips just are the best.
I’m still sticking with my sprouts though

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