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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:07 Sun 02nd Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
157 Answers
morning, Sunday already, the days are going fast, and we are only just into 2022.
I am posting much earlier than normal as i can't get back to sleep, so if there are any kind souls out there who want to keep me company please do.
I hope you are all as well as can be, and that your day is a happy one. Are you doing anything special today?


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morning Chip, take care too
Okay paper time it is - have a great day, all, and don't do anything that I wouldn't do....
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bye dtc, have a lovely day
Morning all, bad night , mum had a call around 2 am, a few bruises but I hurt my back getting her off the floor. She is still obsessing that she wasn't told she was my mother, and she didn't get any paperwork. I realise it was a mistake bringing her to stay. She gets too disoriented but I didn't have a lot of choice. I won't do it again, and to be honest once I take her home I won't be going to visit for a while. A friend is coming out of hospital today and will need some support as well. I am just so tired after 14 nights without proper sleep and no chance to catch up during the day either.
Fall not call
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morning Rowan
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sorry to hear this, is there no one you can turn to for help?
Not really, her GP wants to leave it to Social services but when she is home she won't let anyone but family into her flat and Wandsworth elderly services are dire. Without a definitive diagnosis it's hard to access other help and mum won't cooperate as she gets aggressive if we even hint at the D word. We are waiting for a crisis, and hopefully emergency intervention but as we have no money for private residential care her options are dreadful.
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caught between a rock and a hard place it would seem.
That about sums it up.
Rowan, I have more than one of those T-shirts. Don't take what she says to heart. I know it's hurtful, irritating, frustrating, but just let her ramble and go along with it all. It will make your life a little easier and your blood pressure more stable. Have you tried contacting the charities that help in these situations? The Alzheimer's Society, Help the Aged? The Alzheimer's Society in particular are very helpful. It might be an idea just to get someone to talk to. There is no situation they haven't encountered so nothing surprises them.
Sorry, Help the Aged is Age UK now.
I used the Alzheimer's online bit, that just suggested the GP...She UK were all about weekly telephone calls for mum or local church groups on and applying for attendance allowance. I have been in touch with a specialist law firm who sent me sometime on applying for funding but places in homes you would let your relatives to go are as rare as Ben's teeth in london. Any way she refused to consider the option.
Some information
Have you tried ringing them to ask for someone to talk to?
Rowan - what would happen if she were to fall on a day after your sis has paid her visit? Who would be likely to find her? and how soon?

Just asking as my s-i-l fell getting ready to go out and only found when she didn't turn up several hours after expected. Could have been there a lot longer on a normal day.
If mum falls we would guess something was wrong because we phone mum everyday. My sister only lives 10 minutes away

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