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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:26 Mon 03rd Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
morning, Monday already, if anyone is mad enough to be awake at this hour please do keep me company. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that you are in good spirits.
Anything planned for today? I won't be going anywhere, as not sure what is open as it's still a Bank Holiday. Enjoy your day..


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perhaps everyone has gone back to their warm beds... breakfast in a little while, now what to have, a cooked breakfast or just some bread and marmalade.... ummm
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
morning all xx
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morning Minty
very windy and wet here.. going to take deccies down and clean !
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i have tidied up as much as possible for now, i don't put up decs
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its another dull, grey morning, looks like it will rain at some point.
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time for breakfast, back soon.
Good morning all!
Hope alls well with you.
Take care as we enter a new year
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morning chip, take care too

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Good Morning Early Birds

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