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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:14 Tue 04th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
morning, Tuesday already, Christmas and NY seems to have flown by,
I hope you are all as well as can be and that your day is a good one.
Anyone have any plans for the day? I need to drop off a prescription later today, I hope
they are open, i will call first to make sure.


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That’s so frustrating, DTC. Ours used to be like that. Hopefully they’ll sort it for you tomorrow.
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good luck for tomorrow dtc, hope its sorted for you then
Thanks so do I! Renegotiated my mobile phone contract yesterday and got £6 a month saving and an increase from 5 to 6GB as well..not that I am a huge data user.
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i have to contact EDF and find out a new tariff, its too dear as it is, so heaven only knows what it will be.
Okay, I need to be off and the network is still bouncing quicker than a Tigger....have a good one all.
Good morning everybody.
bye DT xx morning Paddy xx
Good morning all!
Stay well and happy.
Take care
morning chip xx
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morning Paddy, Chip
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bye Dtc, have a good day

take care too chip, hope you have a pleasant day

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Good Morning Early Birds

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