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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:44 Sat 22nd Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
66 Answers
morning, Saturday already, how this week has flown, i hope that you are all as well as can be, and that you have a good day. i have a friend coming over this morning for coffee which will be nice, other than that I have no other plans. Are you doing anything special today?


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Time fore me to go and find jobs to avoid. bye all. take care and have a good day.
cold and grey here, 6 feels like 4 and not much more expected today.
Bye LJ x
byeee Lady xx me too get on.. see you later folks xx
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bye Minty, LJ, have a good day.
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partly sunny skies forecast with a high of 8, it still feels decidedly chilly in here....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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