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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:48 Tue 25th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
morning, Tuesday already, where does the time go, I hope that you are all as well as can be and that you have a good day. Anyone have plans for today?


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As it's Burn's Day, we should avoid jokes which imply the Scots are mean. We should be careful about stereotyping.

There was a recent letter to the 'Press and Journal' from an Aberdonian which said "If you print any more jokes about mean Scotsmen I shall stop borrowing your paper."
Morning Paddy, so it's two months to your day......
Time to get on see you later xx
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bye Minty have a good day
ps - minty has to go to Grampians today to catch a haggis or three.....
time to be moving for a DT and let the day begin...Have a good one, all.
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bye dtc, have a good day..

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Good Morning Early Birds

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