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Radio Going Off.....

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pat2604 | 12:09 Wed 26th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The idiot Jeremy Vine and phone-ins about today's parliament.................. It's more than I can take!!!


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Yes me too, turned over to Tay FM
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And add to that Keir Starmer the Snidy Smug creep!!
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Wise move Maggie!
and er, do you ever feel that about, er AB?
PMQ at this very moment
difficult to know how it will go
JV wants taking off air completely, he's just one big pillock, full of speculation and ongoing BS. Even his co-host Storm on TV is taken back by some of the junk he comes out with. She should take over completely, more common sense, and in my view a lot more educated than him. Amen.
I listen to Radio 2 every week day but can't get to the remote quick enough at 12 noon. That's when i switch over to local radio.
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PP. Yes!
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Amen repeated Teapots.

And Ken. Guess why Mr Lottie takes the dog out for her walk every day at 12.00?

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I've never watched him on TV except in Strictly. Does he have his own show?
12 noon is Classic FM time at home, or ipod time in the car and has been for years now. Air head Ball is similarly blanked early doors and Paul o bleedin Grady, and the other creepy, obsequious Ball that pollutes Sunday mornings. Rylan, Johnnie Walker and Liza Tarbuck are always worth a listen or a catch up.
I can't get to the remote quick enough either. I wish he would stop talking politics and covid altogether just have two hours of music. Ken Bruce is the best show on Radio Two in my opinion.
>>> Does he have his own show?

Yup. Despite his TV show including phone-ins (meaning that much of it has to be live), it actually overlaps with his live radio programme. The TV show goes out from 0915 to 1215, each weekday morning, on Channel 5. [He also hosts Eggheads on Channel 5].
PS: I cant stand him either!
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Thanks Chris.

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Radio Going Off.....

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