My daughter has a Peugeot 107 2010. On the dashboard, only one indicator light is flashing when she signals to turn. We have checked outside the car and the indicators are all working normally. Is this more likely to be a bulb more than anything else and if so, any idea of size etc of bulb or are they all standard for dashboards. I did also wonder if it could be the stalk.Thanks for any advice
I have 2 arrows on my Corsa dashboard, same as hers. When I indicate right, right arrow flashes, when I indicate left, left arrow flashes or in her case doesn’t. I didn’t know you could only have one arrow, all my cars have had 2 as above. Thanks for your response anyway.
It all depends on how th manufacturer chooses to wire the dashboard light; some wire them in parallel to to indicators, so one for each direction and some wire them across the relay, so one for either direction. I've owned cars with both systems
Now I understand what you mean. I thought you were expecting two lights to flash at the same time when the indicator was on (this happens only when you put the hazard lights on).
That's a thought - put the hazards on and see if both lights on the dashboard flash.
It's more than likely a bulb on your dash that's blown, so as barry1010 suggested, put your hazard lights on to see if it lights up or not.
I remember replacing a few bulbs on the dash of my Citroen AX aaaaages ago .... that was fun ..... especially with hands that are definitely not on the small side :)
Thank you all for your answers. I will ask her to check the hazards. If they both flash on the dash (poetry) does this mean the bulb is OK. If only one flashes, I assume it’s the bulb which is kaput. As I said before, all the indicators outside the car are working fine.
Your logic is correct, foxy.
The indicators flash at a different rate if there is a bulb failure; this is a legal obligation so the dashboard lights inform you if an external bulb has failed. It could be that an MoT tester might complain if the dashboard lights aren't working properly.
i find that strange in all the many cars I've had vans /trucks ive driven for a living for 10 years(decades ago ) ive never had ONE light for indicators on the panel always two
I feel fairly sure that I've had a car with a single light at some time in the past but I can't put my finger on which one. Most of my cars before 1985 were BL group if that jogs anybody's memory. Early cars had semaphore indicators with no dashboard warning. Later ones with flashers often had a bulb in the end of the indicator stalk, so a single bulb but not on the dashboard as such. One bulb for each direction is simpler to wire than a single light which requires a separate terminal on the flasher unit rather than just putting a warning bulb in parallel with each pair of indicators.
In my experience, when a dashboard light doesn't come on it is often corrected by a hard thump with a hand above it.
This is often only a temporary cure though.