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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:36 Sat 29th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
morning, saturday and the weekend is here, i hope that your day is a good one and that you are as well as can be. I am posting early as i can't get back to sleep, so if you are about please come and keep me company. Any plans for today? I have a food delivery at 9 and a friend coming over later for coffee which will be nice.


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morning Chip
looking at the forecast for you minty, you'll be able to go out late pm, 22mph gusting 40 at 5pm and continuing to drop...worst is due in an hour's time at 40mph gusting 65.
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shows the BBC weather forecast
best get some clothes on and see what's what oot there... have a good day folks xx
have a good one, minty and stay safe...don't want to hear of any folk being blown across the Firth of Forth to land in Kirkcaldy.
Morning guys. Have barely slept and am absolutely shattered. MrSmow is still fast asleep - after the stressful week at work he’s had I don’t blame him. I’ve just gone downstairs to check kittens/feed them etc, have made a cup of tea and come upstairs with it to spare room to let MrSmow sleep a bit more.
Morning smow - maybe a nap later? xx
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morning smow..
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bye Minty, have a safe day..
Time for the DT expedition so have a good day all....
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bye dtc, stay safe...

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Good Morning Early Birds

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