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Guess What I've Just Done?

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ladybirder | 21:00 Fri 04th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
What a flaming mess:-(


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Chemdry stain extinguisher, brilliant stuff, has taken all sorts out of our very pale carpets, including mustard yellow dog puke, red wine, a large coffee spillage.
You might have to go over the stain a few times but I’d be very surprised if it didn’t get rid of it.
Not sure about the white wine, you'll have a hangover and a stain to deal with in the morning.
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For me or the carpet rainbow? I shall open one in a minute. Tiggs I'd rather have this that that thanks LOL.

I've just realised Tony I've got some wonderful Vax Ultra carpet cleaner in the cupboard with my Vax carpet Washer. Too tired now though. And starving. Veg soup for now I suppose.

The Runner has just come out of the Wm/c and the stain is still there.

Funny isn't it DT. Because I have never made an insurance claim in all the years I have been paying in, I upped my Excess this year ...
What happened to the meatballs? They sound lush. Spinach and Riccotta Ravioli with a Tomato and Basil sauce, and grated Parmesan here. Very little was spilled mind. Rather good glass of Merlot too.
Ahh crossed post. Meatballs not consumed by the sounds of the later post.
Hehe for the carpet.
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Togo I thought my dog would eat them but he had a sniff and walked away when he eventually dared to come out from under the bed where he shot when I shrieked as the food splattered everywhere. So I have put the dish outside my patio doors for my lovely fox but I'm not sure they'll get eaten as I've never put anything with tomato sauce in it out for them before. I can't hear any snuffling yet. When Jay has his late night pee, we shall see:-)
Hope you didn't need to go for a shower with tomato sauce all over you. It would have looked like a scene from Psycho and then the shower would have hit you on the head. :))

I had better stop it now, or else I am in bovva.
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LOL Togo, I was lucky that there was only the tiniest bit on the corner of a Royal Blue scarf I was wearing. I almost wish it had been my clothes rather than the carpet. One of the nice young men that are very kind to me here is taking my dog out in the morning so that will give me a chance to have a bash at cleaning the mess. I've just had bicarbonate of soda recommended by my cleaner as a way to clean it so I'm not short of suggestions. Oh and I've just heard the fox outside but not sure if it's eating.

Thanks everyone, even Douglas:-)
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I know you're all waiting with bated breath to know how I got on with the mess I made last night. You're not? Oh well I'll tell you anyway.

I haven't managed to clean it and I tried all the methods you kindly mentioned. My washing up liquid did lighten the stains slightly but I think it has to be a professional clean or an insurance job. That leaves me undecided as I don't want to pay a professional who can't get it clean and then have to go via insurance route and pay my excess. I'm boring myself here so I shan't bore you any further.
Thank you again for all your help. xx

If I can find my hints books I'll see if there is anything in them
not burnt the house down, I hope? ---- with your husband inside
Am I the only one who wants to know the who, why and how of Bookbinder's heavily blood-stained carpet?
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No, worse than that pp;-)

Thank you Tuvok. I've got tomorrow left to try and sort it.
must have been roasting an ox on a spit for the jubilee street party, alba? Not easy for amateurs.
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On his carpet, as you do!!
LB, if anything is going to be spilled on light coloured carpets, it's bound to be summat that really should have :-(
Do hope you get it out before a decision needs made on the professional or the insurance.
Just musing here, if you go the insurance route, wouldn't they first ask a professional to try stain removal?
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Thanks Alba, you mean instead of me paying for it? Hmmm! I think my insurance excess is £100 but I am going to ring my insurer tomorrow and have a word with them. Not making a claim but asking what route they take if I do claim. I've also got a cleaning company phoning at lunchtime tomorrow with a price. My carpet is wet again with the latest suggestion from my neighbour Persil Colour Washing liquid. No more after this one, I've had enough.

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