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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:46 Mon 07th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
morning, Monday already, the start of the working week for some. I hope that you are as well as can be, and that your day is a good one. Do you have any plans for today?


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morning Minty
baltic here !! had snow flurries on and off yesterday ..nothing lying fortunately ..
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its nice here, no snow, bit nippy but that's all.
Good morning everybody.
morning Paddy xx
have 4 bags to go to charity shop today then I will start a bit more clearing out
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morning Paddy
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i have done all my clearing out for now,
In need a ruthless clearing of clothes have far too many
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so do i, but can't be doing anymore, not for a while
will make a start today but not do too much and sicken myself...look upon it as a task over a week or so
going to get on have a great day xx
Good morning everyone. Off to Truro this morning.
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morning LJ
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bye Minty, have a good day

that's good LJ, nice to get out and about.
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just a dodgy tap of the finger....
Aaah and I thought there had been a conspiracy to disappear when I posted. (just joking).
Everyone very busy this morning. Me also as I want to get there before it gets very busy.
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have a good day LJ..

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Good Morning Early Birds

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