We’re away in a cottage from Saturday and the nearest supermarket is Morrison’s. Never, ever shopped there before but there have been numerous adverts on tv lately for them, and for their valentine meal deal (which looks very nice and competitively priced, I don’t intend to do much cooking while we’re away) so we’ll be giving them a go.
Any comments about Morrison’s..good, bad, indifferent?? Anything to look out for which is especially nice or awful??
I have never had an email with an offer nor an offer on the app although I check regularly and still swipe my card. The app just says 'you have no new offers, check back soon'
and I ALWAYS behave, ever since a clerk sidled up to me and said "you put a drip up on my friends baby when no one else could" 1987
and I knew I was Being Watched.
We went to get our meal this morning and half the options were missing. This is not unusual for our local Morrisons as there are often gaps on the shelves. I find the staff to be good on the whole, but a lot of the managers are pretty surly. However I am sure we'll enjoy the meal which is extremely good value. Hi Captain