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mallyh | 11:40 Thu 10th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
not keen on them allowing cats and dogs in their stores ,what do you think ?


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It's hard enough dodging all the in aisle displays, the small children, the baskets on wheels and the trollies without dodging dogs and their stupidly long leads. Dogs love to mouth, lick and sniff everything. Bad idea.
12:30 Thu 10th Feb 2022
Just as daft as I am!!!
I didn't know that Lottie, thanks for that info. That's shocking to know.
I haven't owned a dog since I was a girl, so have no idea about how to care for one these days.
Must admit on thinking about it, if I had a dog, I wouldn't leave it outside a shop anymore than I would a child, but I wouldn't take it to the shops with me either.
Some dogs are left home alone all day when their owners go out to work,( which I don't agree with) so I'm sure it must be ok to leave a dog at home when you go to the shops.
Actually Barsel, we don't much go to shops any more. We click and collect from Morrisons . Mr Lottie goes to the animal supplies warehouse and picks up a few things from Lidls and I get other stuff on line. Neither of us like shopping!

If we go out together, Poppy dog comes too! She loves being out and about!!!

Ha ha at the Stowmarket mole, Chris!!
We have three cats too. But they don't come out with us!!
I wish I could have a cat, but animals are not allowed where I live.
If you have one when you move here you can keep it if it's a cat or a small dog, but you are not allowed to replace them when they die.

That's such a shame Barsel as having a cat for company would be great and its good to have s little friend to look after. Our pets make life worthwhile for me xx

When I go out I have to be careful my cat is not following me. I was getting on the bus once and I showed the driver my bus pass and he said "who is paying for the cat!!" I turned to look and there was my tabby - two paws on the step ready to get on!! Had to get off the bus and take her home.
Love your little story Evadora. We have had cats that accompany us on dog walks of the fields. One of them Emma would insist on climbing trees when we got to the woods and then asked to be carried home! We also have had cats that travelled in the car, back in the days when they didn't have to be contained in travel containers. It surprising how cats can be just like dogs! Our cats and dogs have always mixed together well.
Love your avatar Evadora!
A cafe/restaurant I go to regularly on the outskirts of the town built a separate area for dog walkers. It's on the edge of a large wooded area popular with dog walkers. So many wanted a cuppa and a drink for their dogs that the owners built The Doghouse. Always full of dogs with their owners and bowls of fresh water outside at all times.
if there's a cardboard cut out of the 'Dulux dog' when 'we' go in there could be chaos . . .
kate winslet
sorry wrong thread :-)
That's lovely Maggie. When cafes, restaurants and pubs make special arrangements for dogs, especially in countryside areas they bring in do much extra custom. We have made so many friends around here in doggy places. In fact all our real friends are dog lovers. Going out force walk without a dog just wouldn't seem right.

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