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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:42 Thu 24th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
morning, Thursday already and the week is almost over, where does the time go.
I hope that you are all as well as can be, and that your day is a good one. Anything planned for today?


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morning Paddy
morning Paddy xx
it is very thick dense and swirling does not look like we'll get oot today..unless a miracle occurs !
Good morning all!
All seems quiet and still at present.
Take care
morning chip xx
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that's not good Minty,
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morning Chip, take care
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its still raining, seems to be set in for the day....
snow is lying...hmmmm
must keep it light and simple
good morning everyone
.... may bomb Kyiv...
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thats the forecast Minty, down your way, not good....
morning PP xx
PP Kiev has already taken a hit !!
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Bobbi is running a thread about it PP...
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time to have a shower, have a good and safe day all....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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