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maggiebee | 13:40 Sun 06th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Wish I could share a photo I've just received. It shows a line of pushchairs that Polish mums left at a train station for Ukrainian mums who may need them when they arrive in Poland with kids.
Such compassion in a very practical way.


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Putin is to mad and completely blind to see that most of the world is against him.
It’s war, such a kind thoughtful gesture. Well done you ladies .
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Thanks RandyMarsh
I saw that picture, choked me up. Such a lovely thing to do. I can't begin to imagine trying to protect your children from such hell.
How do you get out there to help? Where do you go, how do you find people who need transport across Europe?
I came across a FB post last night from a woman who booked an AirBnB room in Kyiv. She got in touch with them to say she wouldn't be coming of course but hoped they could use the money. They were very grateful because the only guests they had were refugees, unable to pay.

She suggests checking to see that the place is owned by a person rather than a company, and booking a room for as early as possible so they get the money quickly.

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