Sliced, toasted, split in curd on one side, Belgian plain chocolate spread on the other...sandwiched together again.
Instant choc-orange bun.
I bought M&S cheese ones, and nice as they are, it just seems all wrong when you bite into them and get strong cheese flavour instead of the usual traditional taste. I love cheese scones but these just don’t compute in my mind.
I have normal ones cut in half, toasted and slathered with salty butter. Actually, I might try a cheese one, toasted, buttered and with marmalade or lemon curd, I love the sweet/salty taste.
I never eat them. One would lead to scoffing the whole package in an evening. If I did it would be toasted with lots of butter. When I worked, we would get dozens of packs donated. Hot cross bread and butter pudding was often on the menu...yummm.