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Caran | 14:48 Sat 21st May 2022 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Why are there scarecrows every where?
My next but one neighbour has one in his back garden,.
Neighbour opposite has one sitting in a deck. Hair on a flat roof.
What is the significance of them please?


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none around here - maybe there's a convention in your town?
Lots of scarecrow festivals about, local villages near me have them every year.
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Should have been deck chair!!
It's illegal to kill gulls but not illegal to use a scarecrow
Have been working in the garden a lot this week.

Am available for scarecrow look-a-like at very reasonable rates...
It's a competition with the winner being the most outstanding in their field
Just realised I must look like one. I was strimming very long grass and a rat came out of the grass not a yard from where I stood (I hadn't caught it with the strimmer). It slowly ambled on to the patio where it came to rest. I gently touched its back with my shoe and it didn't move. Got the rifle out and put the poor thing out of its misery.
Hi, Caran. I used to enter a scarecrow in a village competition in the UK. Luckily our village here has a scarecrow festival so I can continue. Below is not one I made!

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