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Bonkers Boris

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gulliver1 | 15:43 Fri 10th Jun 2022 | News
12 Answers
Boris suggested at a major speech in Blackpool, that the UK work force must be prepared to take pay cuts to help the economy. On the day it is announced that it now takes £100 to fill the family car with fuel.
Is this man completly mad or is he taking the P***.


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Boris also warned of a ( wage /price spiral)
If workers pay increases in line with soaring cost of living prices. In other words his fat cat chums making all the money can increase their profits but the work force must not apply for a pay rise to help pay for it.
This is typical of the conservative party.
It's wonderful that you have such a firm grip on reality, not to mention economics, Gulliver. You're a real credit to the evolution of the human race, you know.
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16.09 Thank you Zacs. Glad you recognise Talent.
Exactly right, gulliver.
I thought you were mistaken there, Gulliver until I had a google around.
Quite a surprise as it's not long ago he was promising a high-wage economy. Lies or a U-turn?
Lies or a u-turn? Neither. Circumstances.
I can't see anywhere that he said wages would have to be cut.
Dont worry will still get your benefits :-)
Boris did not say anything about pay cuts. But his right to buy housing scheme is copying Margaret Thatcher and is missing the point. It will not help people much and he would do better in expanding the council house stock.
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Rysen 18.28 ,You probably are claiming every Benefit payment you possible can . Where I live there is no benefit system like you have in the UK.
Go and get yourself a job there are loads of vacancies in the UK , You could even try fruit picking plenty of opportunities there , in fact with your education you could even become Gang leader

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Bonkers Boris

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