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jennyjoan | 19:17 Thu 23rd Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Starting to get tortured with flies again. I do have the old fashioned paper whacker but usually you miss.

I want them out of my house immediately.

I did think of that sticky thing but the thought of all those flies would be make buuuuuuuuuuuuurk.

Do you think the plug things work.


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I have bought the mesh thing but am just in after a painful physio session and so I'll try and clean the windows tomorrow.

also put Maxie into a dog park (inside one (hangar)) he's been there before but I don't know if he likes it or not. when I arrived owner's daughter took him (I couldn't hear dogs barking or whatever). Anyway after my physio I picked him up and asked the owner how did he do - he said - well he didn't play too well with the dogs (he loves dogs in the parks) but as soon as I arrived he came over to me. What does all that mean.

I know he does love men and me of course.

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