My blood pressure has been very low since Sunday. Took a couple of readings first day, 92/52, hasn't got much higher, either. The highest was 2 days ago 100/61. Took it just now, 95/57. I'm yet to take my second bisoporol..
I have been feeling exhausted and down lately, so maybe that's what was causing it. How can I get it higher?
Squad, I'm not on any medication, some times I can see white moving spots in my peripheral vision at which time I sit down or keep still until they go away, it happens maybe once a month. I don't feel dizzy or unwell. I can't remember the readings, they're meaningless to me!
Helen, you ask why people have BP monitors. There must be many reasons. When MrG had kidney failure, dialysis and a transplant his BP was very important. A monitor at home was preferable to very frequent trips to the surgery for the nurse to check his BP.
My doctor advised me to buy one, to keep regular checks on my low BP. I don't always remember to do it tho. Only prompted as feeling very tired & lethargic.
Healthy people taking regular BP readings is on a par with regularly weighing yourself when you're not on a diet. It is being responsible for your own health to do these routine checks once a week or so.