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Is Kensington High Street A Posh Area Of London?

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sandyRoe | 15:40 Sun 04th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I just heard on the radio news that a man was shot dead there last night.
Is nowhere in London safe?


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Kensington in general is considered 'upmarket' (with housing prices to match) but Kensington High Street isn't particularly special, having many of the same large stores (Boots, Wilko, T K Maxx, etc) that are familiar in high streets across the country. The posher parts of the borough are further to the east (where, for example, Harrod's is located),...
15:56 Sun 04th Sep 2022
It doesn't seem to matter where you are or where you live nowadays. If you get on the wrong side of the wrong people, you can be a target.

You don't have to get on the wrong side of people, just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
"Is Nowhere in London safe"
..Nowhere in the UK is safe these Days.
It,s getting more like the wild west every day .
-- answer removed --
Kensington in general is considered 'upmarket' (with housing prices to match) but Kensington High Street isn't particularly special, having many of the same large stores (Boots, Wilko, T K Maxx, etc) that are familiar in high streets across the country.

The posher parts of the borough are further to the east (where, for example, Harrod's is located), adjacent to Belgravia.
the high street goes most of the way west to Olympia, which is rather less posh than the other end. But who knows, it may have involved some drug delivery to Kensington Palace going wrong.

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Is Kensington High Street A Posh Area Of London?

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