Just had a quick scan through the new podcast of you know who and Mindy Kaling (whoever that is) and it struck me how many times the words 'right' and 'like' are used and wondered if this is the new way of talking or is it an American thing? A few quotes to explain what I mean.
// Everyone was just like, "Oh my God - you're like, "well, I chose him too".- because I went through life being like, OK, well Meghan Markle was like that one nice hot girl who like has her head screwed on right, because her mom's probably like really cool, - so I just became. well, I was like OK then I'll - 'I was alone so much as a child, right,- And even the Oprah thing is like, 'oh my god,//
What is currently driving me nuts is the seeming inability of anyone to begin a sentence without using the word 'so'.
E.G. Tell me about yourself? "So, I'm a student (or whatever)." or
"So, I was just walking down the street when the house blew up." etc..