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Remaindered Already ?

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Canary42 | 21:31 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
A little item I picked up in a Charity Shop today.


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One must fill up ones days somehow, even if it means pointless rehashing of folk tales.

Gives the kids a gig back and forth too, doodling in the margins.
Douglas clearly gets it canary... maybe its late but I don't get it....whats 'remaindered' mean here???
Punted cheap because nobody wanted it at full price, bobbinwales.
Cheers Douglas. I wondered that but it looked like an oldish is it a well known recent publication that's bombed
I assumed it was a Brexit moan, but I think I was wrong.
Seems to be 1971 so not really remaindered, more retired.
Written about 50
years ago by Antonia Fraser. Excellent reviews by the people who have read it.
ah now, here's the sort of souvenir you should really have been after
Bought one of those for me ghoulfriend.
>>> Written about 50 years ago

More like 70! It was first published in 1954.
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Oh dear, that joke fell flat. You're over-thinking it.
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P.S. I made a similar "joke" to the lass in the shop, and at least I got a smile.
If it's been given to a charity shop, second hand no-one is going to oay much for it.

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