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Still No Change Then ?.

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gulliver1 | 20:20 Tue 20th Sep 2022 | News
37 Answers
Since Truss started Driving the Bus. Labour is on 42% In the opinion polls. While Trust Truss and the Criminal Corrupt Con Crony Party is trailing behind at 31,4%. ....."Oh happy day."


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Voters prefer Liz Truss as PM to Labour's Sir Keir Starmer, poll shows via
Lol, a poll from the Daily Mail? Behave! PMSL

From the newspaper that conjures these sorts of headlines?

Not even her own MP’s wanted her as PM and only 57% of her own party did.

Please look for a more balanced and unbiased source in future Hopkirk.

Why is it 'happy day' that one incompetent party is trailing another incompetent party?
Blimey Fatticus, that's a bit dramatic. Are you a bit rattled by such news?
//Why is it 'happy day' that one incompetent party is trailing another incompetent party?//

We’re yet to find out if the other party is incompetent.
As I asked the other day, when Fender claimed that Labour can’t be trusted:

In comparison to what, exactly? The purveyors of truth and bastions of honesty and decency that runs like a seam through the current government?
Which part of the present Utopia that the UK currently is can Labour ‘not be trusted with’?
Do tell?!
In the meantime, here’s a reminder of the land of milk and honey surrounded by those sunlit uplands we’re presently languishing in.

//Blimey Fatticus, that's a bit dramatic. Are you a bit rattled by such news?//

Dramatic? Not at all, I just love a good laugh whenever anyone presents the Daily Fail as unbiased and independent.
You do know that Boris did his best to give Dacre the Ofcom job, don’t you?
Not to mention the peerage?

What next, Lebedev as head of MI6 maybe?
I don't know how old you are Fatticus (perhaps 14 or so?) but anyone with actual experience of Labour in government will tell you that they leave the country worse off than they find it, every single time.
That asinine load of bull from Jonathan Pie is a prime example of someone with nothing to offer but criticism. What a bonehead.
//I don't know how old you are Fatticus (perhaps 14 or so?) but anyone with actual experience of Labour in government will tell you that they leave the country worse off than they find it, every single time.//

Lol, I’ll bet you were just dying to tell us how many times Labour(you don’t count New Labour do you?) have been in power in the last century too, weren’t you, me old china?
//That asinine load of bull from Jonathan Pie is a prime example of someone with nothing to offer but criticism. What a bonehead.//

Care to counter any of the facts he stated?
Give us a précis of where he’s wrong, we’re all ears.
What I do know about Labour from a lifetime of experience is they leave the country in a worse state than they found it, every single time. They also have currently no vision, inspiration or anything positive whatsoever to offer in the way of an alternative. It would be great for the country if indeed we had a hot, punchy, and opposition that actually served its purpose, instead of which we have Sir Keir Dishwater and Gobbo. Splendid.
Jonathan Pie serves no purpose other than to snipe and offers nothing in the way of solutions. He'd make a good Labour MP. The sort of boring and dismal doom-mongering that has become so common and produces nothing tangible positively.
//What I do know about Labour from a lifetime of experience is they leave the country in a worse state than they found it, every single time. They also have currently no vision, inspiration or anything positive whatsoever to offer in the way of an alternative//

You’re not counting the windfall tax idea that they gave Rishi Rich then, the one he subsequently u-turned on and implemented, just before he’d had enough of Johnson’s lies?
//Jonathan Pie serves no purpose other than to snipe and offers nothing in the way of solutions. He'd make a good Labour MP. The sort of boring and dismal doom-mongering that has become so common and produces nothing tangible positively.//

He’s a comedian and satirist, hence he’s been provided a lot of material of late by the Tories.
As I’ve asked though, would you care to refute the facts he relayed in the clip?
Anyone can criticise. But that isnt actually the function of an Opposition.
Unless you've something positive to offer in the way of an alternative, or some positive suggestions to offer, forget it- just being critical doesn't achieve anything.
A comedian? Definitely belongs in the Labour Party then along with the rest of the clowns. Perhaps he should consider getting meaningful employment? Would you care to point out anything in his sad monologue which is remotely humorous?
//A comedian? Definitely belongs in the Labour Party then along with the rest of the clowns. Perhaps he should consider getting meaningful employment? Would you care to point out anything in his sad monologue which is remotely humorous?//

That’s the satire bit, not my fault you don’t understand it.
You won’t get the irony either that it’s your beloved party and their behaviour that have created the sadness and current state of British politics, the materials for him to work with.

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