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Liz Truss

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Hymie | 21:05 Mon 26th Sep 2022 | Society & Culture
10 Answers
This youtube video claims to be a parody of Liz Truss – but I’m suspicious that it’s the real thing – what do you think?



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You’ll like this too then Hymie, but as pointed out it’s hardly funny.
The best description I've seen of this is Kami-Kwasi economics. And I thought it couldn't get any worse than Boris's parting economic advice: "buy a new kettle" - sadly not a parody:
A wonderful parody. Liked it- a lot!
I'm not sure "News" is the most appropriate category for this thread, so I have moved it to "People & Places".
ABSpareEd - I was unaware there was a people & places category and this is the only post in there, hardly likely to get much trafffic
OK. I have taken it out of the subcategory "People & Places" and it's now in the parent category "Society & Culture".
-- answer removed --
I've been surprised to learn that apparently they're teaching economics all wrong at A-level.
//I've been surprised to learn that apparently they're teaching economics all wrong at A-level.//

As posted elsewhere:
Yep, Liz Truss’ leadership in not newsworthy.
Moving the post to a dusty sub section makes perfect sense.

AB Towers is like a parody of the Government - they both don’t have a clue what they are doing.

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Liz Truss

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