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Bbc Quiz : Week 39

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Buenchico | 19:02 Fri 30th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
OK, who was it that stole most of the week? It can't really be Friday again, so soon, can it? Oh well, as it seems that it actually is, here we go again!

A 'just passable' start for me this week, with THREE out of seven:

The junior quiz is a doddle this week though, meaning that my perfect FIVE out of five probably isn't really all that impressive - but I'm still pleased with it anyway :)

Just half marks for me in the Timed Teaser this week, so that's FIVE out of ten:

It's a HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY week though anyway because Campbellking has found new feline company! YIPPEE!!! Here's a happy cat video to celebrate the good news :)


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Time has been even more out of order for me - missed last week's quizzes completely as I didn't know my days. Lovely happy cats. We managed to catch and sort out a stray cat that we feed, abscess on face and neutered, kept him in a dog cage for three says before release, he's still coming for food but is definitely not a happy cat! I did well-ish this week 3,5,7 happy with that.
Exactly the same as you Chris - 3 & 5

Started off bad but turned it around :o)

I hardly see cats where I live now so have to resort to cat videos :o(

I'll miss Trevor Noah when The Daily Show stops, quite a few answers came from there!
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Well done with those decent scores, Roo, especially that fine 7 in the sprint event. Keep looking after that cat!

Welcome to the club, JJ109!

With that sort of improvement as you went along, Tigger, it's a pity that there wasn't a fourth quiz this week. You'd probably have scored a maximum! (The internet was made for cat videos, wasn't it?)

I've never seen The Daily Show, Zebo, but (with my lousy memory) it probably wouldn't have helped me much anyway!

Surely the Mannekin Pis would have to be facing the other way before he could be considered 'cheeky', wouldn't it?

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Bbc Quiz : Week 39

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