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Laptop Tray

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-SharonA- | 14:41 Mon 11th Apr 2022 | Technology
7 Answers
Can anyone recommend a laptop tray that has cooling vents. My laptop has been shutting down on me several times a day & have been advised to get a tray to stop overheating.


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Have you checked that the laptop fan is working?
Is this because you are using your laptop on a cushion or something?

If so try a beanbag tray. I got 'er indoors one for when we have a 'telly' meal.
Stick your vacuum cleaner nozzle against the vents on the laptop, it might be bunged up with fluff.
keep your vents clear (underneath) of any obstruction ,never use them on your lap,, as said put it on a flat tray etc
That wont do it Hopkirk. When I ran a Service Centre at a Bank the lads (and me when busy) used to take them apart to get it all out. It's sometimes really surprising the state inside some laptops. Had washing up liquid in a two week old one once. At least it was clean I suppose.
Good afternoon, I had the same problem. My laptop fans started to work 10 times worse than before. Of course, I began to figure out why this is happening and realized that dust gets inside through the keyboard and worsens the performance of not only fans. I advise you to buy a laptop keyboard cover . This will help fix this issue. It helped me a lot, so I hope it can help you too.

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Laptop Tray

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