morning Sunday, a day of rest for some. I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you any anything planned for today?
I have a phone call from my friend in NI at 10.00, but that's it for the day.
today's forecast for the capital is a lowly 18c with partly sunny skies.
I'm waiting 'til 8 for the paper shop to open. Looks like the people who run it have a bit of a lie-in on Sunday. Through the week it's open much earlier.
Hopefully a better day today - had to get a new phone - my contacts, pics and even my Google searches came across but not the tex messages or, even worse,my apps, so had to load those one by one - and a couple I need to find the entry code...took me a lot of time - and Waze not yet working on the car.
Good grief, where has time gone already? On with the jacket and out into the delights of the day for a newspaper and then a coffee before taking on the supermarket.
Morning all.
emmie, I've been thinking about your op. You will be a lot more mobile than you imagine you will be, probably in a better position than when you had to send the ambulance away because you couldn't get down the stairs.
However, you do need to prepare. Have you got a basket over your letterbox? Bending to pick up the post will be a real problem if you haven't got somebody bobbing in every day. A basket would be a great help.