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Where Are They Now?

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sandyRoe | 18:26 Sun 09th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Years ago, during the time of Thatcher I think, there was a Stakhanovitican plaster who claimed to be doing very well by dint of hard work.
What became of him? Is he enjoying his retirement on some Spanish Costa or did he work himself to death chasing the Thatcherite dream?


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god zax didnt know that
should go into the ' who they really are' books
the midget portrait painter in Nicholas Nickleby complained that she was being misrepresented in his serial so he makes her invent a computer, fly to the moon, design the EU in an ensuing one

BUT..... readers - my po faced sib who read Eng Lit at uni pointed out all these were imaginations by authors. It was not worf it to seek the possible origins because they werent real ( the bits in the books and were imagined) . So it was not useful to say "The Little maids all in a row" recalled the re establishment of the convents in 1553
^Good 10 Commandments there, I reckons.
Afternoon, Togo.

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