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Do Try This At Home

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Ken4155 | 14:32 Tue 11th Oct 2022 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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Can't wait to hear how you get on Ken:-)
I'll think I'll just stick to shelling mine..
Damn. I forgot to boil it first.
Yeah , let us know how you get on
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Thought you were gonna say you burnt your lips, Hoppy :-)
Don't do it with eggs you won't be eating yourself
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I'm not going to feed the street, Barry. Just me and the dog - and i very much doubt he'll be bothered how the shells are removed.
Barry , my thought too
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SMH :-/
I've never boiled an egg but this looks like fun
you could teach your grandmother to do that
No grandmother suck, not blow.
those grandmothers are so old fashioned, Tilly.

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