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When Can We Have A Christmas Section?

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Bobbisox1 | 13:50 Mon 07th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
There,I’ve said the C word:0)
I don’t mean as a sub category , but to discuss Christmases past and traditions etc


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Mrs Zacs is on the mailing list, Bobbi.
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Hopefully I’ll get to the service of Remembrance sometime but that’s always fully booked out
It is an amazing place - I've played there
What, football!? ;-)
Big charity gig, many moons ago :)
Ah, ok.
Bah! Humbug !
"It's probably not as big as you think it's going to be inside."

Whereas the TARDIS................................ :-)
Not yet!!
I probably won't post anyway because these threads are always strictly British trips down memory lane.
But...its too damn early to talk about it anyway.
It would be great to hear your stateside memories of christmases past, pasta. At a later date, of course.
You know Zacs...I've tried that on other similar threads. No one's ever shown any particular interest. Unfortunately my childhood, in particular, was in a foreign country :)
Sorry...I'm just in grumpy mode today.
Maybe I'll change my a later date. ;)
Another subcategory covered in dust… ;)
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Unfortunately Ed :0(
I would not mind a christmas section, if it was in December only.
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You never know William :0(
Pasta. My dad was one of 15 children in Ireland. As soon as they were old enough most left for America where they were welcomed and thrived or the UK where they weren't welcome at all. On the blacks, dogs and Irish list.
As a child we would get Christmas cards, photos and letters from cousins in America. Beautifully dressed children.... presents under a tree.
It was the tree that fascinated me. So big and wonderfully decorated. And stories in the letters about how they were celebrating Christmas.
I've never celebrated Christmas in America but have in Canada. Such fun and little Bah Humbug.
Bobbi would love it. :-)
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I don’t care where in the world it is Gness , tradition is tradition, I learned a Scandinavian one 17 yrs ago about doing a Christmas Eve box, I’ve done one every year since for my grandson,I’m even doing one this year and he’s past 18 now
/// * think…sheesh! Twice ! ///

That's why we need the Preview feature, as I've requested several times before. Not only does it give you an opportunity to correct typos, but it evaluates links and auto-censorship, giving the poster a chance to adjust.
Gness @ 20.41 " My dad was one of 15 children in Ireland"
Only 15 children in Ireland, are you having the Craic.

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When Can We Have A Christmas Section?

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