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The Favourite

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emmie | 05:17 Sat 12th Nov 2022 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
has anyone seen this film, if so what did you make of it.... I watched it yesterday on ALL 4 catch up and thought what a strangely compelling film, funny in a dark sort of way and as to the language, enough said.


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Good performances all round, and a history lesson for me, as i didn't know much about Queen Anne and her life.
I haven't seen it, but did you check it out for historical accuracy? As I understand it, having been best friends with no indication of a lesbian alliance between them, when the queen and her favourite fell out a smear campaign was launched against the queen - hence presumably, the basis for the movie. But as I say, I haven't seen it, only the reviews, so I may have got the wrong end of the stick.
I saw it when it came out. Fascinating film, great acting and production etc. But historically it's garbage. I think this is more or less deliberate, or at least there's no claim that this is a serious piece of historical portrayal. But because it's not really trying to be that, it's easy enough I think to focus on the story that *is* being told, and they've just used familiar figures from history to carry an altogether more intimate story.

Worth a watch, imo -- wonderful performances by the three leads.
Saw this film at the cinema when it first came out. Quite enjoyable but doubt its accuracy. Still worth a watch.
According to the film's producer ' some of the things in the film are accurate a lot are not'
I enjoyed it and the great acting
I keep missing it when it's on.
Maybe catchup this weekend.
I saw it when it first came out. Excellent film and although not fully accurate I think there were rumours at the time.

I feel so sorry for Queen Anne. She had many miscarriages and still births, and her one son that survived infancy, died when he was 11.
I'd recorded it from whenever it was on, and I started to watch it as I love Olivia Coleman, but I switched off after about 5-10 mins as it wasn't what I was expecting. Perhaps I should have given it more of a chance. It might have been the bad language as I thought it was going to be more like your usual period dramas.

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