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Fake Guide Dogs?

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mushroom25 | 17:49 Fri 11th Nov 2022 | News
32 Answers

were the hotel acting upon legitimate suspicions? is guide dog fraud a known problem?


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I would have thought going to a Premier Inn in Enfield was prima facie evidence of genuine blindness.
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// prima facie evidence of genuine blindness.//

the same effect blinded the Salisbury public to the novichok poisonings - all the public saw was 2 people outside Gregg’s being violently sick.
There are no requirements for disabled people to have documentation for assistance dogs and they should not be asked for it. (I don't actually agree with that but it is apparently law). There are a lot of people claiming to have 'therapy dogs' who are in fact just their pets but who they rely on for companionship etc. I personally feel they should be registered as such and the owners carry proof.
There's more to this story than we are hearing, surely.
I suspect that when boyfriend took dog out for a walk the different staff at reception suspected boyfriend wasn't blind and challenged him. Dog not wearing harness, so they had no reason to believe it was a guide dog.
Boyfriend got lippy, maybe. Reception staff waited for reinforcements then went to the room to check and the guests kicked off.
all the public saw was 2 people outside Gregg’s being violently sick.

no no Moosheh, you are sentenced for inattention to watching the Salisbury poisonings AGAIN

edit to: all the doctors saw was 2 people who were winos who had got drunk .They put them in a bed and they died. One(Dawn) did. Those were the two winos who picked up the spare bottle. Even tho the poisonings were all over the Salisbury Sozzler. - took around a week to click

The vomiters outside greggs were spotted by an army medic ( tech or nurse) who thought - - that is very odd they are not dressed like winos but are puking like them
and then ..... let me see - - oh oh pinpoint pupils
poisoning like morphine ( still odd) or well in thebattle field, organo phosphorus....and the rest is history

a helicopter came ( see prog) - for winos?

I was interested in the back story

If it is a blind dog, then it behaves differently when in harness, like "I have been trained, out of my way!"
it is pretty obvious

not something you teach inn a living room over an afternoon.

when I lost an eye, the rescue dog we had jumped to and started leading me. He said ' this is what I have been trained for!"
and I said, you're a rescue, what happened?
and the dog said - well you know, I failed the 'dont eat everything you meet when working....'
// the dog said - well you know, I failed the 'dont eat everything you meet when working... //

With the right management team that dog could make you a fortune.

Films, TV commercials, pop up posters... Even a weekly stint presenting Jackanory.
no requirements for disabled people to have documentation for assistance dogs
because that would be an excuse for unlawfully failing to give services to a bline person

this doesnt extend to assistance animals - chihuqhuq, monkey donkeys
thank you zebu
I am always ready for tips to make a bit on the side
and the dog says: bonios or cruckles please
// thank you zebu
I am always ready for tips to make a bit on the side
and the dog says: bonios or cruckles please //

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an update - Feryal Clark, the local mp for Enfield, wrote to premier inn’s CEO. it was passed to a minion to answer and the response is in the following tweet:-
it was rendered in alt-text so hurrah for that, but that the company spent 2 pages boasting before addressing the issue says it all really.

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Fake Guide Dogs?

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