I've changed my car and now have one that offers no spare tyre; just a bottle of stuff to squirt in the valve if I need it.
I know this is quite common now but having hit a random object on a motorway recently (in my old car) which resulted in a serious puncture, I was really glad of a space-saving spare wheel.
I might buy one for peace of mind or am I just being old fashioned? What do others think about this trend away from spare wheels.
Put your reg in here https://www.kwik-fit.com/tyres/road-hero-spare-wheels?gclid=Cj0KCQiAnNacBhDvARIsABnDa6_iS6rb-rGiwEgu0tyahaOLj0TwVFrRHdfmauR9Q-hQQX0ld-XQ-IYaApCBEALw_wcB