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Spare Tyre... Do You?

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Arksided | 13:55 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Motoring
24 Answers

Spare tyre do most motorists these days still have one on board their vehicle, or soley relient on a punture repair kit they may or may not have?

Spare tyre just post a yes or no.




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I don't drive but I do carry one around my waist.
14:00 Fri 09th Aug 2024

I have a space saver spare.


I don't drive but I do carry one around my waist.


We have a space-saver which we've used 3 times in the life of the car; providing you have the correct pressure (60 psi in our case) they are perfectly satisfactory. The second time of use was in France when we got a hole in a sidewall; a repair kit would have been useless. We were 40 miles from the nearest town with a tyre dealer and it took them 2 days to get us a replacement (and they would only sell us two), so 160 miles on the space-saver with no problems.



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Being honest I haven't driven myself for years, so unsure whether drivers still do take a spare with them or rely solely on the above mentioned punture repair kit.

Space saving tyres do seem a good idea but as I posted I don't drive now-days so haven't come  across any.

Thank you for your replies, just proving a point that I'm sure most still do.

Must be difficult to find a car with a proper spare tyre these days. The aim seems to be to make models of car as disagreeable as possible.


No car, so no spare car bits.

Yes we have a space saver spare with ours.

Yes we always purchase a full size one when we buy the car.

Neither the Jag or the BMW have spare tyres of any description. 

So NO.


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Thanks for the replies.

Sorry I will try to find a link the works.


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👍🤣 remember though Dusty be as impartial as I have.

Just a general question. so far the Yes's are winning.

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Thanks for sharing Dusty but that wasn't the question... which you've already answered.

Mrs Dp. 


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