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What, Adhd?, Hell No!!

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gautambarun2004 | 18:04 Wed 21st Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
i want to share something. when i watch a movie i feel interesting at first but after 20 - 30 minute i start getting bored and after that just skip to plot twist or part where i find it interesting or just close it. i get bored very easily now few years ago i used to enjoy movies. DO I HAVE ADHD.


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I've read some of your previous posts. I'd seriously suggest getting a referral to CMHT. They will be able to explore that possibility, as well as other issues you may be having with your mental health.
I doubt an even a seasoned ADHD expert would be able to diagnose you over the internet with that tiny snippet of information.

Maybe you've just got a low boredom threshold. It does not mean there is anything wrong with you.
You would make a great case study for medical students and phsyciatrists- ADHD, hearing problems, bent penis, Maladaptive daydreaming, pooping problems, depression, light headedness.
I think an appointment is needed at the doctors
bobbinwales, I concur. A doctor's appointment should get them a referral to CMHT. They should be able to do a general MOT at the same time :)
If you have Adhd, so do ì. I do the same, but not with really good movies that hold my attention.

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What, Adhd?, Hell No!!

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