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Shingles Vaccine?

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anneasquith | 10:57 Thu 19th Jan 2023 | Body & Soul
25 Answers
Re the above. Have you been offered this vaccine, did you get it ? TIA


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anne, yes and yes. Had shingles once and it was one of the worst things I have endured.
14:50 Sat 21st Jan 2023
Anne, kind of you to ask. Not bad, thanks, maintaining health on discharge so that is something. "We" are going for a blood test this week - first outing, in readiness for appointment with consultant (telephone one, thank goodness for speaker phones!) Living the high life and grateful for it.
Any after effects following your vaccination?
yes and yes. It's a one off (and I had just the single jab). I had shingles once and it was so mild I wasn't aware of it till the GP told me. All the same I know it can be very painful, so it's not a bad idea to guard against a recurrence.
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Injection site is only slightly tender, thank you for your good wishes ladies .
Choux could your OH have his investigations , appointments at home ?
anne, the next one is, fortunately, but the following one should be face to face. Glad you are not in any discomfort today :)
Yes offered and taken.

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Shingles Vaccine?

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