Had his annual jabs this week, and for the first time seems to have had a bit of a reaction to them. He’s quite lethargic, taking himself off, sleeping a fair bit more.
He’s still eating and drinking ok, just seems a bit off.
He’s a Cockapoo and is usually very lively so it’s a bit concerning, although it appears that sometimes there can be a reaction. He’s currently curled up next to me, snoring his head off.
Poor doggie, he needs to have these jabs so he can stay with our lovely dog minder. I wonder if he’s had a reaction this time because he’s getting a bit older, he’s 6 and a half.
Ours just had his check up and jabs a month ago and he was unusually lethargic for a few days. Mind you he is now 13 and they have just found a heart murmur, so it may not be connected. Thinking back, he wasn't so affected when he was younger.
Maybe it'a slightly different concoction or batch to previously? I wouldn't be too worried unless it continues. I know they are not the same but my two cats are always conked out and under the weather for 24 hours every time they have their annual shots.
Why do vets/councils insist on annual vaccinations when it has been proven time and again they last for years if not for their lifetime? Read the manufacturers leaflets that come with the box (the ones the vets won't let you see).
Maybe it's a money making making venture but unfortunately your view is not widely known Lankeela. Both my cats are nearly 10 so I wouldn't bother anymore, they must have good immunity by now, but occasionally I have to put them in a cattery and they all insist on seeing a current vaccination cert before accepting a boarder..