With regard to offensiveness, I�m sorry if you�ve misread my mood in replying. I did after all, ask you politely to clarify the sentence concerned, although I admit I did not ask �please�. I never intended to be offensive. You obviously seem to attribute my attitude to lack of knowledge of thermodynamics. Sorry, but thermodynamics didn�t come into it - it was solely down to the ambiguous reply that you made due to the poor sentence construction. Incidentally, I�ve got a reasonably good knowledge of thermodynamics as I use the principles quite often in my own field of expertise � biochemistry.
As far as plagiarism goes, you�ll note I did not accuse you of lifting parts of my answer out and repeating them verbatim. However, you have attempted to summarise part of my post whether you have sourced the information from there or elsewhere as you now imply. You only posted three sentences, the first bearing what seems to be an intentional slight similarity to the first sentence of my first paragraph, the second ambiguous sentence and a third, which was not strictly correct as I pointed out earlier. Incidentally, I omitted to point out in my last post that heat is not �the name given to the transfer of energy due to a temperature difference� as you claim. Heat is the name given to the energy itself that is in transit - heat is the energy not the process. No marks would have been given for your final sentence.
Finally, you�ve provided me with another ambiguity regarding the words �physical laws�. To what are you referring? Anyway, regardless of your intended meaning, I don�t claim to have the �sole rights of access� to them whatever they are. The Internet has provided everyone with the means to glean information no matter what their background knowledge or even their ability to understand what they are reading. It follows that its only fair that everyone is free to post on AB.