intros in The AnswerBank: Music
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jacobsmummy | 12:03 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Music
6 Answers
need some inspiration, im uploading some songs onto my mob for ringtones and need some songs with good intros, bored of what iv got, but want things still quite commercial so my friends no what tune it is iv got for when they call?!
anyone no how to convert wav to mp3?
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feeder - just a day,
foo fighters - no way back
these have pretty loud intros and are catchy
You could try the Birdie Song ... that would pee everyone off lol ...
nirvina - smells like teen spirit
stereophonics - dakota
Hounds Of Love - The Futureheads

Sweet Home Alabama - Lynrd Skynrd

As for your WAV files, you'll need a WAV-MP3 Convertor. Try downloading this, it' a freebie, so not too advanced but by the looks of it it'll certainly do the job:

This is another freebie convertor that looks even better, VERY simple to use I've just downloaded a copy of this for myself!!

http://www.riverpast.com/en/prod/waveatmp3/ind ex.php
sweet child o mine --- guns n roses

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