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It could be a tick but the legs don't look right. My first thought, from bitter experience, is it's a carpet beetle but yes, size and where you found it would help.
14:08 Sat 01st Apr 2023
I think you need a macro lens.

I think it's the grey shadowy kind.
Is it a woodlouse? Difficult to tell from the small fuzzy pic
A tick?
Looks like a tick to me.
holding a ruler alongside it would help. Don't ticks usually have longer legs?
It could be a tick but the legs don't look right. My first thought, from bitter experience, is it's a carpet beetle but yes, size and where you found it would help.
I did think the legs looked short...but it was just a guess.
A carpet beetle? It has similar colouring.
Ticks all have eight legs, other bugs have six.
A kind of ladybird, probably a harlequin.
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It's 100% a UK carpet beetle. I used to think what are these cute black and grey tiny ladybirds on my window sill until my wool carpet started to get patches. It was professionally confirmed. Google it,
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I'm not too big to say I was wrong, and after further investigation, I agree with Prudie, and say, yes definitely a "carpet beetle"
Beetle of some sort

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