I thought I had it sorted after my brother died last week but I hadn’t!
As some of you may remember my OH likes his holidays abroad and on his own as I will not go away.
Last Thursday he set off and spent his first night in Dover, taking the tunnel next day and set off for Belgium, he had booked a B&B and stayed the night. Next morning coming downstairs for breakfast he fell down the last two steps, landing on his hip. He couldn’t move and was in a lot of pain. His land lady called an ambulance. He was admitted to hospital. Found to have broken his hip.
His surgeon phoned me to tell me the sad tale. They had operated and given him a brand new hip, everything went well with the op. But he will be there for about a week. Will be unable to drive for a long time. So daughter, grandson and I set off for the long journey on Saturday. It was too late to visit him when we got to the town so we booked into a hotel.
when we got to the hospital we had to wait 2 hours then we were allowed to see him. He was ok, the anaesthetic was still working so he had no pain. Ok in himself. He had resigned himself to staying there a week.
Then we had to think about the logistics of coming home. We had to bring OHs car back so daughter drove his car and grandson drove his mums car.
We got back at 2.00 a.m this morning.we were shattered. We are hoping his medical insurance can bring him home via ambulance otherwise we have long journey again!
It's bad enough having an accident at home never mind miles away.
At least he was where help could be summoned immediately and you will be glad you have seen him.
I am not sure but I think most medical/travel insurances cover ambulance fees. Best wishes.
I don't know what sort of insurance he had, but OH's son had a heart attack when in France and the insurance covered the cost of flying him back to UK. He wouldn't have taken out an extra-special insurance, he was only 52 with no previous history. Good luck!