Hi Cheshamgirl, hope you are getting your thoughts together and can make a change to your marriage. One thing I would stay, don't stay together for the sake of the kids. They will survive a break-up but will you survive going on as you are?
Sounds like you have been feeling like this for some time and either your man needs a rocket up his a*se or you need to make some tough decisions.
I was in a marriage for 20 yrs. It wasnt all bad but got worse and worse until it became unbearable. We had nothing in common, he cheated, I didn't even like him one bit any more let alone love him. Our lives were entwined with kids, a business, mortgage etc but there came a time when there was no other choice but to end it. You may not be at that point with your husband but if you carry on not communicating the danger is that 2 lonely people go out seek comfort elsewhere.
I'm married again now to a wonderful man and can't imagine not speaking to him for 1 night let alone 4 weeks.
You must both be so lonely and the atmosphere in the house can't be too good for the kids - do they realise that you are not speaking?
Can things get any worse between you than the void that is your relationship now? Anything you say can surely only move things on one way or another.