Mrs JtH has received notification that she has a small pension from a company she worked with 25 years ago.
It is in the sum of £1,306.52. She has also been given a lump sum figure tax-free.
Can any of you knowledgeable peeps work out how much, at current rates, she would receive weekly/monthly from this?
If an annuity then depends on age health and whether fixed or RPIlinked...but only going to be around £2 -3 a month. Maybe a drawdown is possible...drawn down maybe £10 a month roughly over 10 years
09:25, yes that's approximately 3% depending on which options you choose it could be more. Try that when the BR was 0.01 over a year ago and you'd be getting about 50p! As I said though for small amounts you can usually take it all then it's up to you to deal with tax issues that may arise.
assuming it's flat at £3 per month she'll have to live approx 25 years to eat through the cost of an annuity. If you chose escalating by RPI then a lot less. If that helps, in this case it's such a small amount I'd probably take the dosh up front.