News0 min ago
What Kind Of Insect Is This? Is It A Pest?
3 Answers
Hmmm. Having used my enlargement for a Google reverse image search, I'm minded to think that it could well be a tropical house cricket (or, at least, a very similar species), especially if you're in India or southwestern Asia:...
02:12 Sat 01st Jul 2023
Welcome to The AnswerBank, Ankimo!
Sorry, I can't help directly but it might help others here to be able to take a closer look at it:
https:/ /postim mPgHQS
It might also help to know which country you're in, as many insects are only found in specific areas of the world. (You've posted on a UK-based website but the timing of your post suggests that you might be elsewhere in the world).
I hope that you get an answer soon.
Sorry, I can't help directly but it might help others here to be able to take a closer look at it:
It might also help to know which country you're in, as many insects are only found in specific areas of the world. (You've posted on a UK-based website but the timing of your post suggests that you might be elsewhere in the world).
I hope that you get an answer soon.
Having used my enlargement for a Google reverse image search, I'm minded to think that it could well be a tropical house cricket (or, at least, a very similar species), especially if you're in India or southwestern Asia:
https:/ /cricke tinsect .com/wp -conten t/uploa ds/2019 /08/Gry llodes- sigilla tus-or- Tropica l-House -Cricke t-or-Ba nded-Cr icket.j pg
Crickets are harmless to humans.
Having used my enlargement for a Google reverse image search, I'm minded to think that it could well be a tropical house cricket (or, at least, a very similar species), especially if you're in India or southwestern Asia:
Crickets are harmless to humans.