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A Bit Of A Dilemma

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Bobbisox1 | 11:55 Thu 06th Jul 2023 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
A good friend died two years ago come this August following the death of her husband exactly a year before,we had many happy holiday with the two of them and she always said I was the sister she never had , my family became their family as they had none of their own, they were there followed the birth of our very premature grandson and he grew up to call them his grandparents which we were happy with , they left 40% of their entire estate to him ( approximately £250,000) they’ve given him a start at 19 years old which we could only dream of….they had my daughter as an executor of their Wills along with the man’s sister, it’s taken a long time for the probate to go through as they both held separate bank accounts and neither discussed what the had but in 2014 they made a mirrored Will and told us our grandson would be a 40 % beneficiary.
My late friend counted her last Penny and lived very frugally,I’m not knocking her for this as it had no impact on me at all, if I owed her a £1 she’d ring and tell me not to forget :0) ….then there was good jewellery, some to be sold that would go to their estate, his sister wanted my daughter and me to have her engagement/eternity ring(s) , I got the eternity one which it turns out is worth £2,500, my dilemma is, do I leave it in its small box or do I wear it knowing how ‘careful’ she was till the end ? she didn’t talk death and was terrified of dying ,I guess what I’m asking is , would she approve?
Sorry this is a very long message


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No, Poodi, are you?
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Poodi ? Nae wonder ,:0)))))
Oh my. After all these years , you had it wrong all along but , who cares ?
Surely no mercy and bobjugs are long gone . Best leave the past where it belongs don’t you think ?
What actually IS your problem with me and Bobbi, if you don't mind my asking?

Oh, and by the way, it's LCG, but you already know that.
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Lcg, don’t be drawn in here , it may have been pre planned off here , just ignore her
-- answer removed --
Let's leave that alone, please.
I had a feeling she wouldn't answer. I don't think she even knows what her problem is.

Anyway, Bobbi, good news ... Ratboy went back to the Paediatric Clinic today and he's been discharged. The EEG thing he had has completely discounted any absence seizures, which is as I suspected. The Consultant agreed with me that it is far more likely that Ratty was falling asleep in class, not having a seizure as the Teacher had suggested. Sorry to hijack thread but didn't feel like starting one just for this.

It's a beautiful ring, btw. Wear it with pride.
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Ah that’s really good news, I’m really pleased the little fella has got a clean bill , that must be a huge relief to you and your husband as well as his grandparents .
Yes the ring is rather nice, thanks
You wear it, carefully, and remember her when you put it on. This is what I did, and do, with my Grandmother's engagement ring - she died when I was 5. (Valued at £1,500 in 1995.)
My problem is that I have 2 daughters!!! Who gets it?
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My daughter will get it Jourdain ,that’s a difficult one , you having two girls :0)
You could look at the Judgement of Solomon ...
It'd ruin the ring, though, Ellipsis!

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