Only a few to go - tippex has been busy
I'll let you know what's left and explain letter make up (as theirs been so many changes since original posts).
14a. Outset (5) A?H?O
A from TWA for two, H from HOW for Why? & O from MOSS for boggy ground.
18a. From (4) ??E?
E from MESSAN for mongrel dog - although I originally had FRAE as the answer, it can't be.
18d. Scolding (9) ??E?GYA?N
E from CRIVVENS for What?!, G from GANGS for Go & a knitting row, Y from STEY for difficult to climb, A from AWFY for Very, & N from PINKIE for small digit.
27a. Irritating person or thing (5) C?R??
C from HECHY for Unwell, looking for sympathy, R from AIRTS for In all directions.
I knew there was a lot of words only used in Scotland but blimey there's so many - and they have so many variations for regions and of spelling too.