ChatterBank1 min ago
My Stupid, Selfish Friend
12 Answers
My friend came round to my house in March with trachoma.It's an infectious eye disease that leads to blindness.After she left I swabbed everything she had touched.She then went on holiday to Greece with 2 neighbours.Heaven know how many people she has infected.I can't bear to speak to her for being so stupid and selfish.She is a rretired nurse!!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I am very surprised as that condition isn't common in the UK.
I dont think there is england recorded transfer
very common in africa - as an infection - it causes indrawing of the eye lashes. Three snip operation is done to evert the eyelid
( I have read and retained my LadyBird book of tropical eye diseases)
treat the infection with TC eye drops - and scarring has to be done operatively
and so.....
I think she has GLAUCOMA - and the operation she needs is different
well that is my take on it
I dont think there is england recorded transfer
very common in africa - as an infection - it causes indrawing of the eye lashes. Three snip operation is done to evert the eyelid
( I have read and retained my LadyBird book of tropical eye diseases)
treat the infection with TC eye drops - and scarring has to be done operatively
and so.....
I think she has GLAUCOMA - and the operation she needs is different
well that is my take on it
and another completely out of it factoid
Ma daydy was a student with a fella called Halberstam. He along with countless other med students were refugees. He didnt like his Jewish name ( Halbertstaedter) in his new life and changed it.
oo - v bad - denial of identity
and ma daydy said " that is not right, his father or g father was a famous ophthalmologist ( long for eye doctor) who described trachoma innit"
and indeed he did
in the slides , you see inclusion bodies called HPK
Halbertstaedter-Prowacek Korporchen
see here
https:/ /medica l-dicti onary.t hefreed ictiona Halbers taedter -Prowaz ek+bodi es
just incredz what you learn when the mods dont delete my posts on AB on a Friday, innit?
how do I know all this? - I have a long memory
Ma daydy was a student with a fella called Halberstam. He along with countless other med students were refugees. He didnt like his Jewish name ( Halbertstaedter) in his new life and changed it.
oo - v bad - denial of identity
and ma daydy said " that is not right, his father or g father was a famous ophthalmologist ( long for eye doctor) who described trachoma innit"
and indeed he did
in the slides , you see inclusion bodies called HPK
Halbertstaedter-Prowacek Korporchen
see here
just incredz what you learn when the mods dont delete my posts on AB on a Friday, innit?
how do I know all this? - I have a long memory
they all have trachomy in childhood
scarring is an adult thing
another incredz factoid
Prowacek described typhus ( until then commonly confused with typhoid) - and promptly died from it ! Here he is
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Stani slaus_v on_Prow azek
and soon after the Weil Felix reaction was described for typhus
The test was developed upon the observation that certain serotypes of Proteus bacteria display antigenic cross-reactivity with Rickettsia species.
"blood from typhus will spark positive if test against proteus"
and so and so - 1945 - march of the prison camps across europe. Think concentration camps? no everyone was on the move
( o god this is not too rich for AB ?- 25% the editor assures me, have heard of World War II altho of those 10% think it was terminated by Waterloo in 1915)
BUT you cd stop the moving by an awful infectious disease. Germans may get it. no movey. How to get typhus? no one volunteered. Easy said my father just give a ration box to any Russian and they will get pints of positive blood. Some very fit Tommies were put to bed with positive Weil Felix's. German guards were doubtful
BUT what did one enterprising doctor do?
Immunise with proteus reagent - that will spark positive because they were proteus+ but will LOOK like a positive Weil Felix
OK ABers - you may all now foo and scream "what dat den"
and "any idea what world war 2 is?" and "is prowacek a place or a person? and in short the usual
scarring is an adult thing
another incredz factoid
Prowacek described typhus ( until then commonly confused with typhoid) - and promptly died from it ! Here he is
and soon after the Weil Felix reaction was described for typhus
The test was developed upon the observation that certain serotypes of Proteus bacteria display antigenic cross-reactivity with Rickettsia species.
"blood from typhus will spark positive if test against proteus"
and so and so - 1945 - march of the prison camps across europe. Think concentration camps? no everyone was on the move
( o god this is not too rich for AB ?- 25% the editor assures me, have heard of World War II altho of those 10% think it was terminated by Waterloo in 1915)
BUT you cd stop the moving by an awful infectious disease. Germans may get it. no movey. How to get typhus? no one volunteered. Easy said my father just give a ration box to any Russian and they will get pints of positive blood. Some very fit Tommies were put to bed with positive Weil Felix's. German guards were doubtful
BUT what did one enterprising doctor do?
Immunise with proteus reagent - that will spark positive because they were proteus+ but will LOOK like a positive Weil Felix
OK ABers - you may all now foo and scream "what dat den"
and "any idea what world war 2 is?" and "is prowacek a place or a person? and in short the usual