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piggynose | 19:29 Sun 30th Jul 2023 | Film, Media & TV
38 Answers
It makes me sick looking at it!!


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Ill be sure to tune in next week, I don't think I've ever shallowed a spider... asleep or otherwise.
I don't know what that is...
Probably along the flat, but less sure about the verticals. However I wouldn't choose to voluntarily take such a risk. Not my nature to.
Arksided - It's a predictive text typo, but you knew that, didn't you.
No I thought it was a common word where you're from. Please forgive my ignorance.
This is AnswerBank right. It raises more questions than answers.
I had a nosey around to see what he is doing these days.

I found
1. He died
2. His family have been secretive about his cause of death
3. I found a PDF which I won't open but it states
"DATE: February 16, 1995. SUMMARY. On May 26, 1994, a 53 year-old male iron worker was killed after falling through an opening in a bridge under construction ..."

Wow that's some research Wolf. but there is a certain amount of ironY about it.:-(
AH //If memory serves, the Mohawk people are all born with a total absence of vertigo, making skyscraper construction an ideal career choice for them.//

The Mohawk people were no different from anyone else other than being braver, & because their nation had been overrun & dramatically changed, like everyone else, they needed the money to survive.
Susan, where did you get that info?
This is what I found.
Albert is known as “Eiffel Al” because he accomplished a remarkable feat on February 16, 1990. He made history by being the first person ever to scale the Eiffel Tower without any safety equipment.
It is said he was 30yrs old when he climbed the Eiffel Tower, so he was born in 1960.
In 1994 he would have been 33 or 34yrs old.
Khandro - Your typically florid post adds nothing to the debate.

Chris's link confirms that they took construction work simply because it appeared in their locality.

Your 'noble savage' piffle had nothing to do with it - simple economics trumps pseudocode hand-wringing any day.
Barsel, I didn't open the link I found, my Kindle couldn't cope with it.

It is true that he died and the cause of death hasn't been released publicly.

I wonder why google gave that as a result.

There was an ironworker that died as you described, but I don't think it was Albert Stalk.
Very strange that his family kept it so secret.
You'd think someone would know what happened to him.
"Khandro - Your typically florid post adds nothing to the debate. "

Now I wonder which pedant that could also apply to. I can't think hughes it could be.
Goodnight Geoffrey.

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