is it the parents job to take the children out of the way if someone is swearing in a public place and they don't want the children to hear, or is it incumbent on the swearers to moderate their language?
The situation that made me think is thus. I went to coffee shop with my husband . We were in the q with a family behind us with 2 kids about 6 and 8. I wouldn't have sworn in the q however, we sat down at a table nit near anyone and started relaying a story to mu husband about something that happened at work. Crucial to the story was relaying what someone's response had been at work and that included swearing. The family came and sat down right next to us when I was half way thru
I think most children are going to hear swearing by the time they are in primary school or even before. I also feel certain swear words have lost their shock value such as the c word
Is it not against the law to swear in public? Probably the chances of being convicted are very low. Anyway the responsibility falls on the swearer not the parents
My grandad used to swear when he spoke, they were just words to emphasise what he was saying.
My dad hated swearing, especially in women. I never swore when with him, but I swore when relating stories about him to my brother. He would just laugh in understanding.